The Barn

The barn is a work in progress. Here are some pictures taken shortly after we started working on the house :) Stay tuned for the "after" photos after we finish fixing the barn up and move the critters in!
the main barn, the lean-to off the side will be converted into 3 stalls, one for pigs, one for goats, and one for the laying hens. The pigs and goats will have free choice access to a 1.5 acre fenced area.

the side of the big barn

inside the big barn 
the current residents! LOL

the side of the lean-to

inside the lean-to. Stalls, windows, and doors will be coming. Each stall will have a separate door so all the critters can come and go as they please, we'll also put a window at both ends to leg more light in and some styrofoam insulation covered with plywood to keep the drafts off of the pigs and goats. 

Hope there is still some good luck left in this horseshoe! 

The future meat hen barn. Needs some fixing up, but when it is done the meat hens will have access to a large fenced run so they can come and go as they please as well.

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